It is always a bittersweet day. We truly bond and become family with our fellow cyclists on this tour, and though we are happy to make it to the end--it was all of our goal from the start--we are sad to say good-bye to our new brothers and sisters. Obviously, some of us will stay in touch, and sadly some of us will never see each other again. We had an incredible group for 2015. Everyone was supportive and nurturing. Certainly, we all had our moments of difficulty, discomfort, and despair, but there were always people around to prop you up or give you your space, whichever you needed.
We each had our own way of dealing with things, just as we each rode our 52 days on the bike differently. There were those who bolted out and went fast and others who took their time to savor every bit of the ride--neither way was better or worse; it is not up to us to judge another's journey, it is too personal to each of us, we just respected each other.
The final ride to the beach, as we ride single file escorted by our tour director and to the cacophony of
car horns from vehicles wishing us well, it becomes more emotional and introspective. You think about how far you have come, from that first nervous pedal stroke away from Dog Beach in San Diego to this joyous chaos at St Augustine Beach, 52 days in between and all that each day challenged us with and made us better and stronger cyclists and all that we shared with each other, the laughter and the tears. It all comes flooding into your thoughts at once and you feel happy and sad at the same time.
Jeff and I get asked all the time, which tour we enjoyed more, 2013 or 2015. It is impossible to say. We can only say they were both just so different from the other, but both were tremendous and life enhancing. I think we met our goal to slow down a bit this time around and enjoy each day and push hard when we wanted to. We so enjoyed having Bruce along again to share and compare experiences with. We value his friendship and honesty. I enjoyed my riding group, which started out being 4 guys and me, then Roger left to go back home and Jeff was in and out of our group, and then Judy joined us, so we were 2 guys and 2 gals--a New Yorker, a Hebrew, a Southern Belle and a Midwesterner--somehow we made that combination of very distinctive accents into a tight and loyal group who looked out for each other and shared a lot of fun.
It is hard to succinctly describe our 52 days. I can hardly believe after all the many months and hours of training to prepare, that we are already home having completed the goal. May we all have smooth roads and tailwinds and hopefully we will meet again down the road somewhere!

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