Back on the bridge after the flat, we road a ways and Lisa looked over into an open swamp area and spotted a small gator on a log. U-turn and photo opportunity began. The gator was camera shy I guess, he jumped back into the swamp when he heard us, but stayed close and eventually swam back and crawled back on his perch on the log again. Pretty cool to observe his behavior. We spent a lot of time watching him and then slowly made our way through the rest of the swamp looking for more, but we never saw any. We also saw a camera shy otter and some blue heron. Other riders saw some water snakes, we were happy to miss those. Little did we know, we had other hazards ahead.

Soon after the final flat tire of the day was repaired, the silver lining appeared in the clouds that were following us all day. It was 3:45 as we approached a Sonic. Happy Hour! Jeff crossed four lanes of traffic for his reward, a lemon-berry slush. The rest of the group continued to camp, but our pal Rich followed Jeff for his reward, a chocolate shake. They finished their ride at 4:15.
The rest of the group made the final turn into camp and rode an enjoyable downhill to Marydale Camp (for Girl Scouts) and rustic cabins spread out by at least a half mile. The showers were hot and our clothes were dry, so that is all we needed. Anne served some delicious sausages, some made with alligator, chicken, pork, or beef, which were accompanied by homemade mac and cheese, couscous salad, green salad, and cookies for dessert. The sky opened up just after dinner, and the Wolf Pack got us back to our cabin, with our fresh laundry and computer in tow, dry and comfortable. We shared a huge cabin with other couples, Eddy and Frances, Ron and Nancy, and then a staff couple Ed and Joyce. We spent the evening playing a few card games of "Pig", similar to spoons back in Wisconsin, but we fell into our little cots and slept great with rain pattering on the windows outside. Glad we brought along sheets and pillows!
As we write this, the rain pours, thunder and lightning are booming and flashing, and most of us are huddled in the dining hall. Walking the 0.6 mile back to our cabin will take more motivation. Right now, we will finish our blog and try with what little WiFi and internet available to get it posted. Might be a good day for a nap and some luggage reorganization.
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