It was a beautiful ride and, if not for the humidity, it could have been in northern Wisconsin.

Poplarville, Mississippi is where we are staying. We ate lunch at the popular and super friendly Scooters with a great PoBoy sandwich. Then we went down the street to the Pearl River Drug, which has an old-time ice cream parlor in the back and had a chocolate malt with whipped cream and cherry on top--it was delicious!! All that and we were still home by 1:30.
Tonight, we are sleeping in a hurricane evacuation shelter, which is just a large open room with showers and bathroom, right next to a horse arena where I assume they have rodeos or horse shows of some kind. We were able to observe some roping and riding practice, after dinner.
UK Update: To celebrate winning his bet on the Masters Golf Tournament, Graham treated the entire group of riders and staff to margaritas. Thank You !
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