Bubba had us scheduled for 74 miles from Brackettville to Concan, Texas. The sky was overcast which kept the temperatures perfect for cycling. Although it looked like it could rain at any moment, the forecast held true and we had a dry ride to our home for the evening, River Bend Resort. Once again we will have a roof over our head and a bed to sleep in. With an off day tomorrow, I am planning to sleep in and enjoy a morning shower.
Lisa's day started out with a slight crash; she was trying to clean a cleat on the bike and inadvertently tipped to the side where she was already clipped in and fell on that side. A few scrapes and bruises (mostly to her pride!) and she was fine. The bike, however, had landed hard on the brake hood and twisted it. Ken was able to muscle it back (Jeff was still in camp at this point) and a quick check of the gears, and things were fine. Also, on the way out of camp, a deer ran in front of a group of us, then a couple more, then a fawn,..then a couple more! Another rider also mentioned that he woke up at 1:30 in the morning and got out of his tent to find an armadillo waddling around looking for goodies. Wish we would have seen it, we have never seen a live armadillo in Texas before.
The first sixty-four miles of the day were on the infamous chip seal pavement, but the road smoothed for the final ten miles home. The scenery has changed dramatically. Gone is the dry desert and cacti. In their place we are biking by pastures and tree covered mountains. It is looking similar to Wisconsin with the dairy cows replaced with sheep, goats, and cattle.

You know you have been in the desert too long when every farm animal makes you stop for a photo opportunity. Critters accompanied us throughout the ride, even in the town of Uvalde where roosters and chickens roamed the premises.
After a dinner of shrimp scampi and homemade pie (with a rest day pending), we sat around the campfire trying to solve riddles and playing a name game before retiring to our warm bed for a long sleep.
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