The scheduled distance today was 73.3 miles from Tuscon to Tombstone, Arizona. The first twenty-five miles involved 3000 feet of climbing. The remainder was mostly downhill, but a short climb into the town and a steep climb up the hotel driveway.
It was looking to be a long time in the saddle, however, my time in the saddle was short. A huge thank you to Lisa for agreeing to let me ride at my own pace today. So instead of six plus hours, my ride was complete in four hours and twenty minutes.

On the upside, the first thing I did upon entering the hotel room was take a hot bath to soak my legs, shaved for tonight's festivities (Gunfight at the OK Corral), and took a relaxing shower with a real cotton towel.
Lisa rode with the boys, or because it is St Patrick's Day, she fondly calls them "me lads." They are great group to ride with, enjoyable and loyal. Another 2013 alum joined us for part of the ride, Greg Dewitt, so 2013 C2C was well represented by the 3 in our group. The climbs were challenging, but we made them all and the ride after lunch going 20-22 MPH was great fun. Ken suffered a flat, but many hands make light work, and we were back on the road in no time. There was the final climb before the hotel, which Ken and I did together because Roger shooed us off so we would not be waiting for him. He, Greg, and Udi were not far behind us, and we all made the trolley into Tombstone for the big gunfight, which featured our birthday girl Colleen as a star guest. She did terrific!

I suffered my first injury today. It was non-bicycle related. While taking photos of the riders as they finished I stepped on a thorn, which went straight through my shoe and into my foot. The amount of blood made it look worse than it was. Not sure if this counts as a puncture; my foot only required a simple patch.
UK Update: I was able to capture a few photos just as they were finishing the ride. It was a long and hilly day. They look happy to finally be done. Graham wants everyone to know he is feeling strong and healthy and enjoying every day on the bike. We all were happy to be done today, mostly to take in the luxuries of a hotel. However, tomorrow night will be the real lap of luxury in historic Douglas, AZ. More to follow then!
After a slow start, suffering from jet lag, Graham says that he has regained his bicycling shape during the first ten days and is confident that he will successfully complete the coast to coast trip.
We will be looking for Georgie (sp) Ellis at the 2020 Olympics in boxing.

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