Along the way, we met so many good people. Some areas had been hit hard by the economy, either recent or decades ago, harsh weather or even progress that made highways that passed by their towns or towns that were unfortunate enough to be caught up in the immigration debate merely because of their location and are fighting small “wars” daily that most of us never hear about. The trip solidified my belief that most people are good. Some towns that had very little to offer gave us their goodwill and we took it appreciatively. We listened to stories of history and legends. We talked to US Border Patrol agents who seem to be trying to plug a flood with a Band-Aid, yet are upbeat and professional and respectful. We heard and tasted the local flavor of Cajun country in Louisiana.

It was our honor to meet her!

There were times my resolve was tested in the most unexpected ways; though it is my belief that times of adversity always end up teaching you something important. There was the day we began our ride in 34-degree weather and even with 2 pairs of gloves and wind pants and shoe covers on, my hands and feet were so cold, I pedaled with tears of pain and frustration rolling down my cheeks. It made me sympathize more with people who have no choice but to live on the streets and how they must endure the extremes of cold and heat and here I was with a choice about it and it helped me deal with it more constructively.
There were also the many dogs we saw. I do not want to indict an entire area of the country, but there seemed to be an overabundance of loose dogs in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. I saw way too many female dogs who showed the telltale underbelly of having recently given birth and with the number of dogs running at large, it made me wish there was a better campaign to educate owners and make it easier for them to get dogs spayed and neutered. There was the inevitable outcome of this problem made sickeningly clear when we rode up on a young dog panting on the center line of a country road in Mamou, Louisiana, and then we saw why; he was lying vigil close by a fallen companion who was obviously deceased. As I said, it was the saddest sight I ever hope to have to witness. After trying in vane to locate and call a local humane society or animal control, I again rode away with tears in my eyes. I wish people had a better appreciation for how important animals are and maybe they would treat them with more respect and humanity.
There was the yellow lab pup that almost went unnoticed as I went behind a store to get a better look at a horse and colt standing near a fence. The pup was sleeping under an RV that had obviously been parked for the winter. No home or owner were anywhere in sight. The pup came out happily when she saw me and was stopped by the end of her 4 foot rope tether. The rope was not tight and she did wear a collar that also fit her comfortably. I was able to spend a little time with her and return her affection before I had to leave but I still think about her and hope someone just tied her there temporarily and that she has someone who loves her. She was a good and healthy weight, had a good coat and clear eyes and obviously was used to people, so those were good signs that someone, though not taking care of her the way I would do it, was caring for her.
Riding this bike journey was supposed to raise needed funds for Custom Canines and specifically to raise enough funds to get all the puppies trained and placed for the children currently on the waiting list for an autism service dog so that they would not have to wait any longer than was reasonably necessary. Any of us who have done this training have seen the amazing symbiotic relationship between dogs and children and how much good can come from this.
I believe things happen for a reason and there was a reason we were compelled to take this journey.
We disappointingly did not meet our goal of raising $30,000 for Custom Canines,but we did spread their message to a whole new group of good folks and maybe some generous corporate sponsor will be compelled to help this worthy organization. Our hearts were always warmed to see fellow riders with the Pedal 4 Paws jersey on or the staff wearing their P4P t-shirts that Bubba made sure they all had, and we have wonderful photos of family sporting these same t-shirts, and we are still taking orders.
We are looking forward to meeting our new puppy in training eventually,but for now are getting our own dog Monte settled in after his extended vacation at Jeff’s parents’ house. Like a child after spending time with more indulgent grandparents, Monte is having a reality check being back home with different rules! We are incredibly grateful he was able to stay with family who loved him like he was their own while we were away.
Not sure where the journey will take us, but we have some wonderful memories, learned a lot about ourselves and hope we did some good for Custom Canines. We will be blogging about our new puppy when we get him/her. We hope to see y’all down the road!
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