Trip Summary

Day 52: 2929 miles completed, 8 states, 7 flat tires, 4 flat mattresses, 40 new friends and Bruce #1, 8 rest days

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 19: Thousand Milestone

 We have completed over a thousand miles of riding, so far.

Another 70+ mile day with a shifting headwind / crosswind. To make the ride a little more daunting, the last 20 miles was on “chip seal”, very rough road. Our bodies are still rattling. We completed the last twenty miles without stopping. This being the fourth consecutive day with headwinds, I wanted a break, but Lisa said she felt good and didn’t need a break. Being a male, I wasn’t going to be the one that needed to rest.

Once we got to camp we were greeted with an open air shower. They designer or construction crew had a shortage of lumber. The walls were only neck high with inches between the boards. Ours even had a vertical gap which allowed a line of sight into our shower, which Lisa covered with our towels, and allowed a cool breeze.

Dinner was my favorite dish, paella. We passed on the optional trip to view the Marfa Lights. Lisa stopped at the Prada store located in the middle of nowhere (Valentine, TX).
Note: We are back in the central time zone, until we midway through Florida.

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